Trina Solar is among the largest manufacturers of solar panels in the World. Its strengths are definitely its focus on research and development to find cutting-edge solutions that safeguard the environment.

For more than 20 years, the company has been operating in the photovoltaic industry, winning numerous successes. In fact, Trina Solar was one of the first photovoltaic companies in China to enter a market dominated until then by Europe and the United States and has in fact paved the way for other Chinese companies.

Today, Trina Solar is an industry leader primarily because of its ability to set new standards, design innovative solutions, and identify quality and sustainability parameters.

In addition, it is a globally established company operating in more than 100 countries.

Trina Solar, the company of record

In 2014 Trina Solar broke the world record for solar cell efficiency 7 times in a row with 1GW achieved in a single quarter. Trina Solar has broken 20 world records since 2011 and was the first company to achieve certification Client Test Data Program (CTDP) from ULwhich has enabled it to conduct cutting-edge research directly in its R&D department.

The exponential growth of this company has led it to become one of the most bankable and financially reliable solar manufacturers and has numerous accolades, not only from Bloomberg but also from other bodies such as BCG and Hurun China, to name a few.

On the other hand, Trina Solar had more than 58 per cent growth in modules shipped (15.915 GW cumulative), a net profit with a growth rate of 26 per cent with a total operating profit of about $4.26 billion.

As for R&D, another feather in Trina Solar’s cap, this company has registered more than 1,000 patents, including many invention patents.

The Trina Solar State Key Laboratory (SKL) of Photovoltaic Science and Technology (PVST) set a new world record for high efficiency of 23.22 per cent for i-TopCon N-type solar cells (passivated oxide tunnel contact) in November 2019.

Trina Solar’s research and development activities are carried out in cooperation with institutions and universities with which it has established strong partnerships. These include the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Australian National University with whom it has achieved in the laboratory a maximum conversion efficiency of 24.4 per cent for mono IBC c-Si n-type cells, and the Solar Energy Research Institute in Singapore with whom it is developing a back-contact cell that can offer high performance.

Trina Solar’s flagship products

Trina Solar offers solutions for residential and business customers using solar modules to meet every need.

The latest products include the Vertex line, with 210-mm silicon wafer modules featuring non-destructive cutting and high-density interconnection technologies that exceed 670 W output power and achieve 21.6 percent module efficiency.

In addition, Trina Solar has specially designed the first ultra-high-power module specifically for rooftops. These are 400W modules with 210mm cells.

Trina Solar completa la sua offerta con i Moduli Honey M o TallMax, tra i più affidabili del settore, caratterizzati da celle a mezzo taglio, LCOE ridotto e tecnologia multi-bus bar.

DuomaxTwin double-sided modules, on the other hand, are developed by Trina Solar with a proprietary double-glass technology that is among the most cutting-edge solutions in the industry.

The company has also been able to focus on mass production of these modules, which in addition to having a facility rate of up to 70 per cent, due to their ability to absorb sunlight from both sides, offer low LCOE and high ROI value.


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